Laser Dentistry

More Comfortable Dental Procedures

Experience a wide variety of dental procedures without the discomfort of traditional dental treatments. Laser dentistry enables soft tissue procedures that might not require stitches after surgery. It helps to minimize the blood loss and bacterial infections as the laser cauterizes the area it affects and its pin point accuracy minimizes damage to surrounding tissue.

Contact Dr. Dat Phung at Lakeview Dentistry to find out how this state-of-the-art procedure can work for you.

Minimize Infections

Faster Recovery

Less Discomfort

Impact and Benefit

Laser dentistry improves on traditional dental procedures by enabling quicker healing and less overall discomfort in the following ways:

  • Procedures performed using soft tissue dental lasers may not require sutures (stitches).
  • Certain laser dentistry procedures do not require anesthesia.
  • Laser dentistry minimizes bleeding because the high-energy light beam aids in the cauterization of exposed blood vessels, thus inhibiting blood loss.
  • Bacterial infections are minimized because the high-energy beam sterilizes the area being worked on.
  • Damage to surrounding tissue is minimized.
  • Wounds heal faster and tissues can be regenerated.


Comfortable laser dentistry for all ages! The application of lasers in dentistry opens the door for Dr. Phung to perform a wide variety of dental procedures without the discomfort of traditional dental treatments. Here are some of the major benefits associated with laser dentistry:

Here is an example of some dental procedures that Dr. Phung can perform using using state-of-the-art laser precision technology:

Crown Lengthening: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue (soft tissue laser) and bone (hard tissue laser) to expose healthier tooth structure. Referred to as crown lengthening, such reshaping provides a stronger foundation for the placement of restorations.

Gummy Smile: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue to expose healthy tooth structure and improve the appearance of a gummy smile.

Muscle Attachment (Frenula): A laser frenectomy is an ideal treatment option for children who are tongue tied (restricted or tight frenulum) and babies unable to breast feed adequately due to limited tongue movement. A laser frenectomy may also help to eliminate speech impediments.

Soft Tissue Folds (Epulis): Dental lasers may be used for the painless and suture-free removal of soft tissue folds often caused by ill-fitting dentures.

Lasers represent an innovative and more precise technology for specific hard and soft tissue applications. You may find that you feel more comfortable and less anxiety during your treatments.

Come down to Lakeview Dentistry and Dr. Phung can let you know how Laser Dentistry can work for you.